ROMEO CLUB™ Highlights – Friends
What is a friend? ROMEO CLUB helps create new friendships and means to stay connected. How many friends did you have and enjoyed but do not have the opportunity to interact with them recently. Social media can help with that – the advantage of Facebook – a good channel for your exchanging life’s events and sharing good times. The disadvantage is that it is impersonal and usually most of the world can see these as well. Yes there are privacy controls, but then you are limited on open exchanges. We forget to move beyond testing and commenting on social media. I have friends and family that say “I just talked to them yesterday” when in reality a short exchange of texting went on between these people. I personally am guilty of this, but ROMEO CLUB helps us move beyond that to the face-to-face connecting of real people.
The Branford CT Group met at Adriana's Restaurant in New Haven and there was some lively discussion face-to-face as you can see from the photograph.
Thank you for reading this ROMEO CLUB™ blog. This blog will be sharing various activities and comments from ROMEO CLUBs around the world. Highlights will be added every Monday going forward with very short tidbits of interesting items from the various clubs. Feel free to add comments and content to this section of the blog from your club or personal experiences as well.
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