ROMEO CLUB™ Highlights - NEW

Welcome to the ROMEO CLUB™ new highlights blog.  This blog will be sharing various activities and comments from ROMEO CLUBs around the world.  Highlights will be added every Monday going forward with very short tidbits of interesting items from the various clubs.  Feel free to add comments and content to this section of the blog from your club or personal experiences as well.   


First and foremost, the ROMEO CLUB concept is all about fun, meeting new people and usually sharing a meal to support each of us who may have a little void in their life, missing friends from work or just extra time at this stage in our lives.  I suppose that is the serious side of this concept, providing comradery to make people feel better, valued and have something to look forward to.  We have received feedback from spouses who are very happy to have their husband “out of the house” or children (even grandchildren) comment on much their “ROMEO” enjoys going to a meeting.


The acronym, ROMEO, was meant to be Retired Old Men Eating Out.   But it is not at all unusual for people in these groups to still be working or running a business – not necessarily retired.  A recent suggestion was to change the meaning to Really Old Men Eating Out.  I have heard another group in a country club tell me their group likes to be called Rich Old Men Eating Out – really?  A Fort Worth Texas group uses Retired Old Men Encouraging Others for the ROMEO acronym – I really like this.  “Eating Out” describes the usual draw for getting together but “Encouraging Others” is what the mission is all about.  So all of us Retired or just Really Old Men should continue to enjoy a meal together on our journey to encourage others, including self-encouragement.


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