What is a BLOG???


ROMEO CLUB™ Highlights – What is a Blog?

What Is a Blog?

The term "blog" is short for "weblog," which refers to an online journal. Blogs began as personal mini sites that people used to record their opinions, stories, and other writings as well as photos and videos. As the web has grown and changed, blogs have gained more recognition and merit. 

 Why does the ROMEO CLUB™ have a blog on their web site?

The main purpose is to provide informational, educational and sometimes just fun, posts to share with anyone interested, or a part of the ROMEO concept.  Most of the content comes from the folks behind the scenes here at the ROMEO CLUB™ website organization and their friends.  However, we have also opened up a channel for people to comment on our topics or raise other topics/issues of interest. 

 Just send us a note (contact us) on our web site:  www.ROMEOCLUB.com

 We do control the content to be sure it is appropriate and positive for our intended audience.  We shy away from politics per se, and highly controversial topics that might offend or alienate people.  We are here to provide support and encouragement for men to remain active and emotionally engaged.  We hope you’ll notice just how passionate we are about the ROMEO CLUB™ concept, including providing products such as shirts, hats and mugs to identify and spark conversation about this concept around the world.    

 The ROMEO CLUB™ blue shirts worn in Branford CT group


   THE ROMEO CLUB™ Hats  worn in North Carolina group.
   "We love our new ROMEO Club caps!"


Please comment, share a story or just read this and future blogs on the ROMEO CLUB™ web site:  www.ROMEOCLUB.com

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1 comment

Are you losing your hair? I am and have mixed feelings. At first I said “so what” and asked my barber to cur what was left short. He said not yet and as the months passed I am glad he did not. Each time I brush my hair there is more and more in the brush. Around last Memorial Day I decided to not get a hair cut and let it grow. It has been fun this summer and it is almost long enough for a small pony tail or to use a scrunchies. Now it is the end of summer and here I sit on Memorial Day undecided if I will get a traditional hair cut or just let it keep going.
If you have already lost yours or are in the quickly losing it stage, let me know how you handled your hair dilemma?

Joe Farricielli

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