ROMEO CLUB™ Highlights – Meetings
What types of meetings are people having? How did people get started? Most meetings revolve around a meal. It seems split between breakfast and lunch. There are some evening meetings as well. One club I am aware of, even includes a spouse/guest once a month for an evening meeting that includes a speaker or topic of interest. It is not necessary to meet every week.
Usually the meetings are held in a restaurant or coffee shop type of venue, but there are groups that meet in a church facility. One of our International ROMEO CLUBs in France, gathers at a hotel on the French coast, relaxes and has a meal there. Another very large group has their own car show as part of their meeting. A new area we are starting to see, is assisted living or nursing/rehab facilities starting ROMEO Clubs for their clients.
A common question is did existing groups get started – I want to be part of a group. If not part of a group, just start your own, we are here to help.
Nearly everyone starts small – sometimes or 3 or 4 people. Just friends asking a couple of friends or spouses talking to other spouses about getting their partner out of the house. So, starting a group is easy, no fancy structure to establish, no cost other than paying for food & drink, maybe only the infamous “10 cent coffee”. Just decide where and when to meet and usually best to set a specific schedule. My local group from Branford CT meets for lunch every Thursday at noon and rotates between restaurants in the local area (schedule is published on the web site www.ROMEOCLUB.com under events). Once established, some groups stay small and others grow to a very large number of people – like the car show folks. Size does not matter, but too big without a special focus can be an issue. I find in the Branford CT group of 10-12 at lunch, we evolve into having multiple conversations at each end of the table – but everyone seems to enjoy themselves.
Thank you for reading this ROMEO CLUB™ blog. This blog will be sharing various activities and comments from ROMEO CLUBs around the world. Highlights will be added every Monday going forward with very short tidbits of interesting items from the various clubs. Feel free to add comments and content to this section of the blog from your club or personal experiences as well.
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