Aqua Velva - Smell Triggers Memories
Aqua Velva is a blue colored inexpensive translucent after shave lotion. It has a rather strong yet unusual scent.
Because I got myself into so much trouble at school and at home as a youngster, my "time outs" were usually served out at my grandparents house for weeks at a time.
I had an Uncle Joe (more like Uncle Buck) who never married and was a confirmed bachelor. No... he wasn't gay but he did have a childlike quality as an adult that made him chase fire engines and police cars when they passed with their flashing lights and sirens. Because I got myself into so much trouble at school and at home as a youngster, my "time outs" were usually served up at my grandparents house for weeks at a time. Uncle Joe also lived there. Because he was single and had no children him and I hung out together under the circumstances. We went to Jimmies at Savin Rock, a local "hot dog stand" on weekends, fishing and of course chasing fire engines.
When I think of him I always have fond memories. Uncle Joe passed away 15 years ago. I recall after he shaved he would put on an ample amount of that blue translucent fluid to his shaved face. After a few minutes, the burning pain to his face and accompanying complaining would cease and the only thing left remaining was that strong scent of Aqua Velva that permeated my grandparents house.
Whenever I want to recall my younger days living with my grandparents and Uncle Joe, I go to my medicine cabinet above my bathroom sink, I remove my bottle of Aqua Velva, shake out a few drop of that blue liquid on the palms of my hands and rub it on my face. There is no pain… just the scent and the memories that remain the same 60 years later.
I then close my eyes and take a deep breath and suddenly today transforms to 1955 and I just love that feeling.